Kaelyn Arnold

Web Developer
A little about me...

Hi! I'm an NYC based Web Developer specializing in JavaScript, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails.

Growing up I was an Army Brat and lived many different places. Prior to my coding career, I was a dancer in NYC! I still enjoy dancing for fun, but now I put my creative energy into developing web applications. I'm especially happy when I get to add fun details with CSS and HTML. I also enjoyed coding with clean, streamlined approaches such as React.js and Flux, but also super enjoy trying to simplify complex queries with SQL.

Like many New Yorkers, I'm a bit of a coffee addict and most days I can be found scurrying around the city, getting sucking into Quora questions, or even occasionally playing a game of Dota2.


App Academy

App Academy


Full-stack Web Development bootcamp

Trinity Laban

Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance


MSc in Dance Science


Columbia University


Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program


Fordham University


BA- Communications and Media Studies
Minor in Visual Arts


  • Ruby

  • Ruby on Rails

  • JavaScript

  • React

  • CSS3

  • HTML5

  • PostgreSQL

  • Photoshop

  • Illustrator

  • Git

  • Heroku

  • Amazon Web Services




Dancergram is a single-page app modeled after Instagram.
It was engineered using Ruby on Rails for the backend and React.js/Flux for the front-end. It features a customized authentication system for protecting user data, as well as the ability to upload files using Amazon Web Services. Github



Crafty twist on the beloved browser game Bejeweled.
This game was designed and animated using JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3. The goal of the game is to swap buttons to make three-of-a-kind, and the game logic was handled with a grid formed by 2d-array. Github


Chess (Ruby Terminal)

A chessboard you can play on your console!
Chess can be played on any computer with a Ruby terminal. Download the repository off Github and play to your heart's content! Github